Exchange in handicrafts

Handicrafts have always been specialized between genders. All the schools have not implemented the exchange in handicrafts, where girls familiarize themselves with technical work and boys with handicrafts. Lintumetsä school implemented it and from TiNA-project initiative, one group of girls from Lintumetsä school did an exchange period in handicrafts at technical and cultural educational institute in Espoo, in Leppävaara (now known as Omnia, Vocational College). It was instructed by the school’s own teacher and three electric engineering teachers from vocational school. In vocational schools more versatile equipment is available than in comprehensive school and teachers, who are experts in their own field. The comprehensive school teachers also learn new skills regarding electrical installations allowed for non-professionals. The teachers can teach the skills they learned also to other students at their own school. According to our earlier experience vocational schools ought to collaborate more with comprehensive schools.