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The Europian Commission launched a shadowing exercise, working together with some leading companies active in Europe to give young women a taste of what a job in ICT would be like. The idea has been to show them what a typical day would be like, by accompanying or "shadowing" a female role model for a day.
WomEqual’s aims are to support women’s career development especially in technology fields, to promote women’s innovation activities and entrepreneurship and to create and implement a tool for women's networking, the web community WomEqual is coordinated by the Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering at the Helsinki University of Technology.
The Equal MIRROR-project challenges old fashioned attitudes towards job segregation which claim that there are jobs better suited for men and conversely, jobs better suited for women.
In MONIKKO-project, new innovations and good practices are being developed, which promote gender equality at work, reduce gender segregation of work tasks, develop interaction between people of different ages at workplaces, and erase discriminatory practices related to ethnicity.
NaisWay - Female energy to transport and logistics -project's objectives are to encourage women to choose technical professions especially in the field of transport and logistics, to support and encourage women to develop themselves, to increase opportunities for women to start their own business in our main fields to reduce horizontal segregation within the establishment and transnationally productive co-operation.

Researches, reports and statistics

A. Paloheimo, J. Stenman: Gender, Communication and Comfort Level in Higher Level Computer Science Education - Case Study, Proceedings of the 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2006. (.pdf)

Information about girls studying technology in figures (.pdf)

The proportion of women in TKK (.pdf)

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