
Survival Guide for TiNA teekkari (In Finnish)

  • This Survival Guide consists of a website offering advice and hints for all the women students at Helsinki University of Technology. There are real life stories about women in different situations. It is a possible to run into difficult situations in the male-dominant world. However, it is worth to remember that brisk mind and positive attitude helps handling one’s business! The themes covered in the Student’s Survival Guide are as follows: managing studies, work placement, graduation, being woman among men, studies running smoothly and starting a family.

“Lasketaan Langasta” - teacher’s material

  • “Lasketaan langasta” teacher’s material is compiled as special material for mathematics. Exercises support instructing handicrafts, when the aim is to emphasise it’s the systematic and logical aspect. There are also some examples of domestic electric consumption and housekeeping. Illustration of these exercises is imaginary, so they are not suitable as guidelines for students as such, but instruction from teachers is needed.
  • There are 80 different calculation examples. These exercises have been arranged according to contents of mathematics and on three different levels of difficulty. These are specified by the subject of crafts. The levels of difficulty are numbered on the first pages of table as follows: basic exercises 1, advanced 2 and demanding ones 3. Crosses under the exercises indicate other mathematics subjects dealt in the particular exercise.
  • These can be used for students, who are attending upper level of comprehensive school and as extra exercises for comprehensive school students. Exercises relating to basics are most suitable for students in need of extra training and the most demanding exercises are good for those, who are making a quick progress.

  • Example (In English)
  • Student's material (.pdf) (In Finnish)
  • Teacher's material (.pdf) (In Finnish)

Virtual Students’ Guide (VOPO-DVD)

  • Information on major subjects at the Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering is compiled to virtual students’ guide. The guide aims to facilitate and support students, when they choose their major. According to the previously made survey, the certainty of women’s career choices is substantially lower than men’s. Therefore, it might be difficult for women to make choices. The purpose of the Virtual Students’ Guide is to give information on different future possibilities and jobs. The Virtual Students’ Guide will be available later on the website of the Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering.


  • Literature Fiction I and II
  • Youngsters’ image of engineering profession is very narrow compared to their duties even though the knowledge of different cultures might be very essential in international jobs. Because women are interested in various matters, the project also aims to diversify the study unit tray at the Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering. TiNA has initiated a new course on fiction at its Department. Its objective is to offer an interactive working method for students, which has not been possible to be implemented at the mass courses offered by Helsinki University of Technology. During the study units it is possible to become acquainted with various possibilities, styles and techniques fiction offers through lectures, textual analysis, conversation and exercises. Text types are, e.g., novel, short story, column, prose, fairy tale, poem and aphorism. The Polyteekkari magazine published results of this course in spring 2006. This study unit, with positive feedback will remain on the study unit tray in the future after the project itself was finished.

  • The Practical Electric Engineering
  • TiNA has initiated Practical Electric Engineering course at Helsinki University of Technology that is also available for upper senior secondary students. This course is offered jointly with Open University as a free-choice course for upper senior secondary schools in Espoo. This course covers following subjects: electrical installations allowed for non-professionals, simulation and experimental connection, measurements and soldering and also interfacing computer with local area network. The aim is to give general feeling for hands-on work to those who have not participated technical studies in the level of comprehensive school. Course will continue at the Department after TiNA project. “I had courage to come here to study, because I knew that they offer the Practical Electric Engineering course at the Department” (Minna, 1st year).